Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Farewell Address

Hello, world!
This is the talk I gave in Sacrament Meeting the Sunday before I left for the Dominican Republic MTC. For those of you who came, I appreciate it more than you know. For those of you who missed out, it's all good; you just won't get to see me in person for a while.
But as long as you're here, I decided to copy & paste my farewell address for a good time, you know, in case you needed some material for light reading. Enjoy, everyone! :)

-Hermana Erickson

AAA: Agency, Accountability, Atonement

                Like most missionaries sent out from the Heatheridge 7th Ward, I was told to read a bit out of Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage, and pick a topic to speak on. As simple as this task seemed initially, it was very difficult for me to narrow down all my thoughts, so I just decided to use the talk my sister gave three months ago at her farewell address. What’s wrong with that!? J Just kidding.
                I do pray, though, that the Spirit may be at my side today, to convey the message that the Lord would want sent to you through me, His mouthpiece this afternoon.
                In chapter 3 of Jesus the Christ, Brother Talmage elucidates the reasons for which we need a Savior. He begins by explaining the gift we were all given in the pre-existence, after electing Jesus Christ as our Redeemer. This gift we received is the inalienable birthright of liberty, to CHOOSE and to act for ourselves in mortality. As we are subjected to the influences of good and evil every day, we are tested and proved to see if we will do all things commanded of us by the Lord. The gift of free agency is an indispensable element of this lifelong test because it allows us to CHOOSE not only the life we will live in the here and now, but the life we will have in the eternities due to the law of justice and accountability. As it says in the scriptures, “God will force no man into heaven,” and we must try to make the best choices each day in order for us to make it there in the end.
                Throughout the chapter, Brother Talmage continues to explain the next event in the Plan of Salvation: the creation of man in the Garden of Eden, and the choice both Adam and Eve made to partake of the fruit of the Tree of Life, which resulted in the Fall of all Mankind. As the apostle Paul writes, “For as in Adam all die, (both temporally and spiritually), even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” Therefore, through the infinite and intimate Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can all be redeemed from the physical death invoked by the fall of our first parents, and also receive salvation and a means of relief from the results of individual sin. We would all die, and we would all sin, but our merciful, loving Heavenly Father, in his infinite wisdom and grace, provided a Savior as a means of insurance for us to have if we CHOOSE to accept the means of deliverance set forth for us by our elected Deliverer.
                The Book of Mormon prophet, Mormon, puts this principle simply in chapter 9, verse 23, which reads: “And he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved…” Many of us here today already CHOSE to be baptized, and we also partook of the sacrament this afternoon, therefore renewing the covenants we made at baptism, thereby becoming just as clean and as pure as we were on that day. Believe it or not, we all CHOSE, on our own free will this afternoon, to recommit ourselves to serve the Lord and remember Him. What a wonderful blessing it is for us to CHOOSE to receive a remission of our sins each and every week! Every 7 days we get to start over with a clean slate. I love that!
                My institute teacher this past semester gave a lesson about decision making that has impacted my life forever. After General Conference weekend, when everyone was buzzing about the new age limit announcement for full-time missionary service, my institute teacher stood in front of our class and posed two rhetorical questions. He gave us two choices, and asked which one was worse: Being wrong in a decision, or not making a decision at all?
                As I’m sure it’s pretty obvious what I eventually chose to do, at the time, I was having an internal battle about my personal choice to serve a mission. The significance and crucial timing of a lesson like this was critical for me because over that weekend, I had been given a window of opportunity: the chance to serve a mission – an opportunity I never thought I would take advantage of by the time I was 21 years of age. And there I was, trying to decide, but too afraid to just buckle down and CHOOSE.
                My institute teacher then said this: “I know each and every one of you is struggling with one decision or another. So right now, just DECIDE. Make up your mind to just DO IT.” I couldn’t help thinking to myself, HOW DID HE KNOW!? He then had us take out our journals and write it down, whatever we were committing to do. After that, he said, “Okay, now write, ‘No, I really am,” after it.”
                So, I did it. And here it is, people. And here I am, less than six months later.
                I CHOSE, that day, to devote a year and six months of my life to the Lord who has given me everything. And just like in every choice we make, my choice will have its consequences, and I will have to be accountable for them. But whether those consequences are good or bad, the Lord has provided insurance, the Atonement, to help me along my way. And I know that to be true.
                With that being said, I want to talk about AAA Insurance now. If you aren’t aware, the “A”’s in AAA stand for Agency, Accountability, and Atonement. Earlier, I likened the Atonement of Jesus Christ to a type of “insurance” for our actions. So I’d like to compare the Atonement to an insurance policy. American Family Insurance ads on the radio always say, “Your dream is out there, go get it. We’ll protect it.” And of course, almost nothing in life comes free, so you must pay a monthly fee for this added defense. Protection comes at a price that we are willing to pay in order to insure the safety of our possessions.
                We’ve been given a precious gift: a body, accompanied by a soul. How much are souls worth? Are they valuable enough to insure? The Lord definitely thinks so. As it says in the Doctrine and Covenants, “the worth of souls is great in the sight of God,” so it makes perfect sense that the Lord would provide a way for us to return back to Him.
                Salvation, albeit a service rendered by Christ for the eternal life of man, comes at a price as well. Although, many people see the Atonement as a means for procrastination, or an easy way out that they’ll take advantage of later. But what they don’t realize is that sins, when piled up, just like insurance bills, are a lot harder and overwhelming to take care of when we put them off until later and allow them to pile up, one on top of the other.
                So how do we “pay our bills?” In the Old Testament, the people were commanded to offer burnt animal sacrifices to the Lord in payment for their sins as a symbol of the future sacrifice of the Lamb of God. However, through Christ’s atoning sacrifice, the Mosaic Law was fulfilled, and He now asks for “a broken heart and a contrite spirit.” This means to suffer extreme sorrow for the sin we have committed, and then to have a repentant spirit. This modern-day sacrifice that we can CHOOSE to give to the Lord in payment for our sins is the only uniquely personal thing we have to place on God’s altar.
                Our conscious choice to submit to the Lord’s will pleases Him and brings Him joy, regardless of how many times we must re-commit ourselves to Him. However, this personal offering doesn’t have to be given only if and when we commit a sin. A well-quoted scripture in Joshua 24 reads, “Choose you this day whom ye will serve…” Joshua says “THIS DAY,” not on the day he wrote it, not tomorrow, and not next Sunday, nor does it say, “only when you commit a sin and need to repent.” So why should we wait to choose to recommit ourselves only once a week when partaking of the Sacrament? Why not choose right now – AGAIN – to commit ourselves to the Lord? We’ve all been given agency, right? There’s no need to wait; we are all ACCOUNTABLE for the choices we make, and making the decision to re-commit oneself to the Lord doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
                Brothers and sisters, today is the day to choose to serve the Lord who has given us relief and an escape from the liabilities of everyday life as well as individually incurred sin. Choose to do one more thing to bring yourself closer to Christ. Choose to be born again. Choose to follow him, choose to serve Him. Jesus Christ first chose to serve the Lord by serving us, so it is my sincere hope and prayer that we choose to serve Him – EVERY day—in return.
                I’d like to close now with my testimony. I know my Redeemer lives and loves each of us. I know the Atonement is real, and that because of it, we have the opportunity to progress and become the best we can be. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, called by God, and that through Joseph Smith, the Lord restored His gospel to the earth, which I am so very grateful for, as this gospel has made all the difference in my life. I know this Gospel to be true. I know the Book of Mormon to be true. I know the temple to be the House of God on earth, and that within them, families can be made forever. I know Thomas S. Monson is a true and living prophet, also called by God to lead and guide us through this mortal world of confusion and strife. I know I am a daughter of God, and that He is aware of me. And with that, I say these things in the name of my Lord and Savior, even Jesus Christ, amen.

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