Wednesday, August 21, 2013

#23 [Pontezuela - 21] Aug. 19th, 2013

Hi there!

We found some new people to teach this week since our pool of progressing investigators is shallowing out now that both J, and his mom, A, are baptized. And we had a disappointment this week, R didn't pass his baptismal interview, so we didn't have a baptism this past weekend like we'd planned. But I know the Lord is still preparing his heart, I know he has a testimony, he just needs to strengthen it a little bit and exert a little more faith. Sometimes I forget how much faith a convert needs in order to be baptized; I've lived by these commandments all my life and have never really struggled with any of them, and these people have to change the lives they've been accustomed to living in order to make such a sacred covenant with God. It's amazing what these people will do and I hope that R will be baptized within the next month.

Anyway, we found a man named C. He lives alone and doesn't have a leg, and has lost a lot of his fingers and toes due to the type of diabetes he has. He rides around in a wheelchair. He told us the story of his life; he has five kids, none of them come to visit him and blame him for his wife's death, they robbed him of all his money, and he has to pay a TON of money just for the pills to stay alive. I've never met someone more in need in my entire life and it was a really humbling experience. But his example to me was what touched me the most. Despite of all his losses, he still has faith in God. He isn't depressed, he's THANKFUL for the life he lives, regardless of how limited it is. I have no idea how I'd be if I were in his shoes (shoe... hehehe. I'm so awful!)

A, J’s Mom, received the gift of the Holy Ghost this week. She's the cutest. After she received the Holy Ghost, she stood up and walked off the stand, but as she did so she was talking to the congregation about how she and her son will always be faithful and what not. It was really cute, kinda irreverent, but that's just kinda how she is. She was born and raised in a Catholic/Evangelical background. But it was just awkward because the Bishop was talking and she was talking and you could tell the Bishop was uncomfortable because he didn't want to be rude and tell her to sit down. I just laughed to myself. And then the other night, she said, "Whenever you want to come back to Puerto Rico, no need to buy a hotel! You can stay here! My house will be like the temple in Salt Lake!" She's seen pictures of the SLC temple, but I don't think she really understands it, but it was nice. She's a wonderful lady. I am so thankful for her and her son. I am SO excited to see them progress in the Gospel. I know I say that every week, but really, I just have a feeling they're going to be faithful till the end! :) And those are the kind of converts I always hoped to find for the Lord!

Yesterday we found a young man from New York who'd moved here to Puerto Rico to get away from his problems in Bronx. He's 20, but he's got a TON of tattoos, and he looks like a rough guy, but he was super nice and actually really religious. He only spoke English, but he's Dominican. His mom is a priestess. He told us he'd been shot in the back before, and went into a coma for six months, and he said he saw God in a vision and when he reached out to touch His hand, he woke up. It was really cool. It reminded me of the story of Alma the Younger. Anyway, it was weird because I taught him in English a little bit about the restoration. It was hard to remember the words! But he was super interested in the Gospel, and we're going back to teach him next Sunday.

So I'd planned on making chocolate chip cookie dough to eat away my sorrows this week, but guess what's so crazy about this place? ... They don't sell chocolate chips! Not even in Walmart! What the heck!? I was very disappointed.

Head's taking voice lessons!? How fun! Maybe we can sing together in Church when we get home!? And Rae can play the piano! It's a plan!

Tell Catia Nunes congrats for me! When's the special day? That's 3 out of the 7 girls my age in the ward... Just tell Ashlyn to slow down the dating game a little cuz I don't wanna miss any more weddings.

Hermana Erickson's District
Transfers are this next week, on the 28th. We've got 4 new sisters coming in from Honduras and the U.S. 7 new Elders from the U.S, Honduras, and El Salvador. I don't know if I'll be training again, or if I'll be moved or if I'll have to stay here. I guess we'll know by next Monday!

Yesterday in Relief Society, we had a lesson about FHE. I shared my experience with FHE and how we used to do a combined FHE with the Erickson side of the fam and told them about how we all picked a Book of Mormon story and acted it out and how our family had picked the story of Ammon cutting off all the Lamanites' arms. Good memories. Thanks for providing us with such wonderful family memories and traditions. Sometimes I feel lame cuz I was born and raised in the Church (and I know that's definitely NOT true), but then experiences like that make my past life so interestingly goofy :)

Well anyway, I don't have much else to say. Love you so much and miss you lots. Keep being awesome! The Book of Mormon is true and I love it! Keep reading it as a family, cuz I miss doing that.


-Hermana Erickson

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