Tuesday, October 8, 2013

#30 [Cidra - 6] Oct. 7th, 2013

Our Zone, Caguas, after Conference on Sunday
This week was really good. General Conference was absolutely incredible and was just what I needed to pump me up spiritually! I love being a member of God's true Church here on the earth. It's such a privilege, as well, to serve Him and be His representative.

Anyway, there's still not much to tell about what's going on here in Cidra; we're doing what our Stake President asked and looking for all the members on the ward list, and that's keeping us pretty busy. The directions here are a joke! No one has a house number, so all we have are the street numbers and kilometer numbers. It's really, really complicated. It just makes me so grateful and more appreciative for the grid system in Utah. And as far as investigators go, we don't really have anyone that interested yet. We're gonna keep praying hard and working as hard as we can, though.

Transfers are this week, but I'm not going anywhere. I am excited for another 6 weeks here in Cidra and with Hermana Sosa. We get along really really great and I have loved working with her. She makes missionary work fun! We had exchanges this past week and it went well. I missed my companion while she was gone! But I got to work with Hermana S__ (from Arizona; she and I came in at the same time) and that was a good experience.

Yesterday, before we left for General Conference in the morning, we were sitting outside reading the scriptures in the hammocks and our neighbor came out to say hello. His name is L__, and we don't ever see him because he's always working and when he is home his door is shut and his lights are turned off; he goes to bed really early because he has to work early, too. So yesterday was really the first time since we've been here that we got to talk to him and get to know him a little better. So after talking for a minute, he went back inside his house and started to clean again. We got ready to go to Conference and then left a few minutes later. When we were about 10 minutes away from home, I got a really strong impression to go back home and invite L__. "That's a stupid thought," I thought to myself, "why would he want to come to a Conference for a Church he's never heard about with people he barely just met? And it's his only day off, why would he want to spend it at Church? No one else comes when we've invited them." But the impression came again. I've NEVER felt the Spirit like that before. So turning to Hermana Sosa, I said, "We've gotta go back and invite Luis." She looked at me like a lunatic, but since she wasn't the one driving, didn't really have the chance to do anything else but comply.

When we got back through the gate, and got out of the car, so many things were racing through my mind, especially this thought; "He's going to say no, and it'll have been a complete waste of time to turn back." But when we called him, he came out and we invited him. To our surprise, he said yes! Hermana Sosa said that the look on my face was priceless. I didn't have words to say, except for, "Okay, chevere!" (That means "Okay, cool!") Within fifteen minutes, he was following us in his car to Caguas to watch General Conference. During Conference, I was super nervous about what he would be thinking and what not, but I think he liked it. We ate lunch after and he stayed and ate with us. He was talking and joking around with the other Elders. (He's about 24, he reminds me of Jeff!). So it was cool. We haven't seen or talked to him since, but we're planning on inviting him to Church on Sunday, too. Hopefully he'll come! If not, at least we planted the seed!

But now I'll get personal. I loved General Conference more than I ever have in my entire life. The Sunday morning session was the most powerful and spiritually uplifting conferences I've ever listened to. I loved it so much and am so thankful I got to watch it in English. And I felt the Spirit so strongly when President Monson was speaking. I've never really had a firm conviction that he is a prophet of God until when he spoke on Sunday. We are so lucky to have a living day prophet! This Church is SO cool!

Anyway, I'll write back to your email now.  

•    Yes, I received your Birthday package, and the cards from Grandma and Grandpa Erickson as well as Grandma Farley. Thank you all so much for thinking of me! It meant a lot! I love you all!

Jeff's self portrait w/ beard
   JEFF. First of all, when I opened the package on Tuesday, I DIED laughing at your "Touch and Feel!" Beard picture. All the Elders in my District thought it was a genius idea. Everyone else who has seen it thinks you've gotta be a pretty hilarious man. It is true. I'm so glad I'm related to you! Also, as far as this dating thing goes, I don't really know how I feel about it, but as long as you pinky swear not to go off and get married without me, I'm cool with it.
   Mom! What a cool experience you had about saving the Church carpet! Did Spencer M. get his mission call yet? Or what is he doing nowadays?
     Joshy! Your school picture is great! You are a babe! Since when did you get to be so attractive!?
     Head! You're a babe too! (Way to go, Mom and Dad!) Your teeth are looking nice! Can't wait to see you without braces! How's your Spanish class going at the High School?
      Jake! Love you, dude! 
      I hope Rachel and Tiffanie had a good birthday on Saturday. I was thinking about them! LOVE YOU!

Anyway, that's about all the time I've got. I love you all so much and hope you all have a great week! Miss you lots, but I know this is what I'm supposed to be doing. I do love being a missionary and I know I am supposed to be out here. I feel so close to my Savior and I love working alongside Him in this work of salvation. It is real. I love it!

Well, bye!

-Hermana Erickson

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