Friday, July 12, 2013

#15 [Pontezuela - 13] June 24th, 2013

On the streets of Old San Juan
I'll reply to your email first. Thanks so much for keeping me updated! I love reading about what's all going on at the homestead.

How'd Joshy's High Adventure camp go? And Head's girl's camp? I miss girl's camp; she needs to enjoy it while it lasts. And tell her I want more info about EFY! I'm so happy she got to go! And did Jeff have fun river rafting? Since when was he the outdoorsy type? Jokes, jokes! :)

Jake, I miss watching movies with you! I hope you aren't too lonely, bud!

We did get to watch the worldwide broadcast of the Work of Salvation. It was AMAZING! I seriously can't even describe how it feels to be a part of this, on the front lines so to speak. And seeing all these changes in missionary work! And member missionary work! I just want to be a part of it all! We are so lucky to live in this dispensation! I love reading Jacob 5 when I think about the work rolling forward like this. It's incredible and so exciting! And about the Facebook thing, it makes me nervous, to be honest. But we'll see how it goes I guess. I'll let you know when all that is announced for our mission.

Dad! Congrats on 100% home teaching two months in a row! That's awesome! Keep it up!

Yeah, we'll be getting a new President next Sunday. That's when they arrive, and it's gonna be exciting! I'm excited to meet him. I'm really sad President Alvarado is leaving, but I know that President Smartt is the man called of God to lead the mission as the current chapter of the Puerto Rico San Juan mission ends. It's gonna be an exciting next few weeks!

And you're right, we've been given a new schedule. I like it a lot better, it's more organized. We are at the house until after lunch – studying: 8 am - Personal Study; 9 am - Companionship; 10 am - 12-week training program; 11 am - Language study; 12 pm - Lunch. After lunch, we're unleashed into the world of darkness! Muahahaa :) I'm so weird.

My address is:
#AA16 Calle Castilla, Carolina, PR
I dunno the zip code thing, but it's probably 00959. And I dunno if it's "Carolina," or "Pontezuela,"but you should find it. My house is orange, with two floors. We live on the top floor. It's so ghetto ;)

Tell Tanner Nielsen congrats for me! He'll be a great missionary! And let my friends know, please that I'll be replying to their letters soon; my 40-day fast is almost over! And it's been GREAT! I urge everyone to try it: give something up for 40 days and dedicate the time normally spent on that to the Lord, and see how your life will change. It's awesome!

I trust the Lord completely in the fact that I am supposed to learn something from this. Or maybe she is? I dunno. Either way, it's a learning experience for SOMEONE. And it's okay. Just keep praying for me, K? Thanks.

We went to Old San Juan today and spent half of our P-day there as an entire mission as a kind of final mission activity. It was a BLAST! And it also just so happened to be the first day on record that I didn't put on sun screen, so I am fried. My poor face is just as pink as my dress. (And p.s. it's not my dress. It's Hna. Tuitavake's, but she left it in our apartment, so I figured I'd put it to good use! Tee hee) So I'll send the pics. But it was a really fun p-day!

Well anyway, thanks so much for everything. I love you all so so much and I pray for you all the time. Keep being awesome! I'm the luckiest girl ever and have been so blessed to have been born into a family that is so strong in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know this truly is God's work. I know Christ lives and that He loves ALL His children. I am so happy and feel so humbled to be a part of this sacred work. THE CHURCH IS SO TRUE!

Until next week,

Hermana Erickson

Oh, and as far as progressing investigators go, we have none. We're teaching a TON of people, contacting and teaching. It's been crazy how many Books of Mormon we've been giving out lately. But we're taking the mandate seriously to Preach to all who will receive you. The most important thing we can do is preach the Gospel, share the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is the most incredible gift we've been given aside from the actual restoration of the Gospel. It is a witness that God truly is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I love sharing it with people. So that's what we've been doing in the work here in Pontezuela. Hopefully we'll be having some investigators show up at Church next week, any ideas on how to get them to come?

Okay, that's all my time. Love you!

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